Friday, January 12, 2024

Crumbl Cookies review #64: Confetti Milkshake

Crumbl Cookies review #64: Confetti Milkshake - visited January 6, 2024
I went back to Crumbl a few days after I got the Lemon Mallow Sandwich test cookie and yes, indeed got a 6-pack. But before anyone gets all judgy, I was going to my first quilting class and wanted to bring some treats. I initially meant to bake my own cookies to bring but alas, discovered at the last minute that I didn't have one of the special quilting tools the instructor had asked us to bring and I had to hotfoot it to the local quilting supply store the morning of the class. That took up my baking time; hence the fallback to get a 6-pack at Crumbl for the 9 people coming to class. 

Display picture was from when I went to get the lemon mallow tester

Not knowing who liked what, I got one of each flavor of the week. I've blogged about most of them before so the link to the review is in each cookie's caption.
Mallow Sandwich ft Oreo

Skillet Cookie

Milk Chocolate

Blueberry Muffin
Except for Blueberry Muffin. I know I've had this before but apparently didn't write about it like I thought I had. I did not try it again, thinking I didn't need to for my blog, but I was wrong. Oops. I'm not a blueberries-in-my-cookies fan so I didn't love this one, hence why I didn't feel the need to try it again when I bought it for the group.
Galaxy Brownie
I hadn't had the Confetti Milkshake before though so I did try a piece of that during the class. I loved almost everything about it. Loved the flavor, loved the cookie texture and even liked the frosting. I like pretty much all of Crumbl's sugar cookie type cookies - and by sugar cookies I mean anything non-chocolate, non-peanut butter and anything vanilla-based. That includes cake batter flavor. The only thing I didn't care for in this cookie were the sprinkles that made up the confetti in the name. I don't like sprinkles so the crunch just interfered with the texture of the cookie. I'm glad I tried it though and if there was a way for me to have this cookie without the "confetti", I'd get it again.
Inside shot of the Confetti Milkshake

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Crumbl Cookies review #63: Mallow Sandwich ft Oreo and Lemon Mallow Cupcake (tester)

Crumbl Cookies review #63: Chocolate Mallow ft Oreo and Lemon Mallow Cupcake (tester) - visited January 3, 2023
Mallow Sandwich ft Oreo
There's a lot of hype about the Mallow Sandwich featuring Oreo and I thought I'd reviewed it before but I don't see it in a search of my blog posts so maybe I haven't. I think I've had it before though so maybe the other time was just a taste of someone else's as I normally blog what I bought for myself.
In any case, for me, the Mallow Sandwich ft Oreo lives up to its hype. I've always liked their cookies with an Oreo or black cocoa base (less rich) and the brownies in the filling are quite good. If I had to quibble about anything, it'd be the filling. It's not cream cheese which I know a lot of people object to (I'm not one of them) but more of a fluffy marshmallow (but not rubbery marshmallow) filling. I don't love it but I don't mind it.
Some people complained online about how skimpy their stores filled their sandwich cookies but you can see from the pictures that's a problem the Sparks, NV store does not have. They fill quite generously and always do these types of cookies right. So the Chocolate Mallow ft Oreo is good and, as always, a sandwich cookie gives much better value as a $4-$5-ish dollar cookie.

And of course, we come to the tester of last week. When the possible test flavors were posted on the app, I had hoped my store would do either the German Chocolate Cake or the Lemon Mallow Cupcake. Fortunately, they did the latter.
Lemon Mallow Cupcake (tester)

The cookie is supposed to be served chilled, probably because of the whipped cream topping but I let it come to room temperature (of course).
Hence why you can see the lemon glaze on top looks a bit runny. Because it was. I loved the cookie base on this one with its signature Crumbl cookie texture and sugar cookie (sans almond extract) flavor. I'm not a fan of whipped cream but what knocked this cookie down the preference list for me was the lemon glaze. It wasn't lemony enough. Instead, I tasted something more artificial than lemon. Not even lemon extract but just something artificial. Lemon extract would at least have given it some lemon punch. This would've been better with lemon curd atop it or, barring that, more actual lemon flavor in that glaze. I think this tester was an attempt to be cute and pretty but my taste buds would've preferred just the cookie base, a light vanilla glaze instead of whipped cream and lemon curd on top. No need for the squiggle of white chocolate either but that's me.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Crumbl Cookies review #62 - Chocolate Cereal Milk (tester) and Gingersnap

Crumbl Cookies review #62: Chocolate Cereal ft Milk and Gingersnap - visited December 20, 2023
Chocolate Cereal Milk
This is my last visit to Crumbl for 2023 and I'm still trying to catch up on my reviews.

I continue to be fascinated by the test flavors so even if I do or don't like what's on the regular menu, I will almost always go for the test cookie. The test flavors are posted on the app and shows which test locations are testing which flavor. I've started to screenshot what the different options are. My store only tests one flavor at a time so my FOMO kicks in to see what other flavors are being tested.

Mine did the Chocolate Cereal Milk ft (insert chocolate pebbles cereal?). I loved 2 of the 3 things about this cookie. The first was the cookie itself. Look at that perfect texture below. Flavor was also really good, not too richly chocolate. I also liked the light vanilla glaze over it and thought it was a perfect complement to the chocolate cookie. What I didn't like though is the chocolate cereal coating. 
It was nice and crunchy when I first bit into it shortly after I got it although some bits of cereal had already started to soften from the moistness of the glaze. But, you guessed it, as more time passed, more cereal started to soften and stale. I don't eat Crumbl cookies all at once; they're too big and have too many calories. So I usually only eat a quarter piece then I freeze the rest. Past experience proved cereal does not freeze well at all so I left this one out and ate it over the next couple of days. Yup, cereal got stale. If this hits the regular menu, I wouldn't get it if they still do the cereal coating. I liked the cookie and glaze but it's not worth $5 to pay for an outer coating that'll stale before I can eat it.
The other flavor I got this week was the Gingersnap. I had been disappointed in the Gingerbread Cake from earlier in the month because the edges were hard and crunchy and the cookie wasn't as underbaked as I would've liked. But I did like the flavor so I thought I'd try again with the ginger snap.
I'm glad I did because this was delicious. It was baked perfectly, not too hard but not too underbaked either. And the flavor was delicious, not too over-spiced but definitely good flavor. I never used to be a fan of gingerbread or gingersnap cookies because I don't like molasses that much and I've tried some bad ones. But apparently when you have a good one, you become a fan.
Nice job on this one, Crumbl.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Crumbl Cookies review #61: Chocolate Caramel Tart (tester)

Crumbl Cookies review #61: Chocolate Caramel Tart (test cookie) - visited December 6, 2023

I love test cookies, especially ones like these. It's a "pie cookie" which basically means a cookie shell filled with, in this case, goodness. There's a caramel layer topped by a chocolate mousse layer topped by a thick chocolate ganache. Then sprinkled with flakes of sea salt.

If that sounds good to you, it's because it was. This is supposed to be served chilled, probably because of the mousse, and I don't like chilled cookies so I let it come to room temperature first before I tried it. I liked this cookie because I liked each of its components separately and they worked well together. The cookie base isn't too sweet (although to be honest, weeks later, I can't remember clearly what the base was, only that it served as a good base) and I always love Crumbl's caramel. I'm not a huge fan of mousse or ganache but both were good and worked well with this cookie. The ganache was almost likea thick fudge and wasn't too overwhelmingly chocolaty. I'm also not a big fan of sea salt sprinkled on cookies but I'm probably a minority on that one and I don't see them omitting it if/when this hits the regular menu.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Crumbl Cookies review #60: Lemon Poppyseed, Chocolate Crumb Cake, Gingerbread Cake and Caramel Shortbread ft Twix

Crumb Cookies review #60: Lemon Poppyseed, Chocolate Crumb Cake, Gingerbread Cake and Caramel Shortbread ft Twix, visited December 6, 2023

Chocolate Crumb Cake
This review is mostly about the Chocolate Crumb Cake as I've already reviewed the Lemon Poppyseed (twice, the second Lemon Poppyseed bought at the Sparks store was way better than the first one bought at a Las Vegas store).

Gingerbread Cake
I've also reviewed the Gingerbread Cake but the one I got 2 years ago was much better than the one from this year. In a rare miss from my Sparks store, this one was a trifle overbaked or fully baked. The edges were hard and the texture of the cookie wasn't as underbaked as I would've liked or how my first one was from 2 years ago. 
Lemon Poppyseed

Shortbread featuring Twix
The shortbread featuring Twix though was much better from the Sparks store than the Vegas one. In Vegas, I got Twix dust. From the Sparks store, I got Twix chunks as the garnishes were supposed to be. The caramel was amazing as always.

Chocolate Crumb Cake
But the real review is for the Chocolate Crumb Cake. It might look slightly familiar as I was told the original test cookie was called the Chocolate Babka which I did get and review as a test cookie back in August 2023. The cookie on the regular menu was changed to have the chocolate glaze, more chocolate crumble garnished and they cut back on the cinnamon flavor so it didn't fight for supremacy with the chocolate (spoiler: the chocolate flavor won). I approve of these changes, even with the chocolate glaze, which I also enjoyed. I liked the flavor of this cookie much better than the tester since it was more of a chocolate cookie only subtly flavored with cinnamon. And as you can tell from the below picture, I loved the texture as that's the perfect cookie texture to me at room temperature: dense, moist and chewy, not too mushy/raw but also not cakey or dry.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Classic Fudgy Brownies from Lisa Yockelson

Classic Fudge Brownies - made December 2, 2023 from Brownies & Blondies by Lisa Yockelson 
3/4 cup unsifted all-purpose flour
3/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon unsifted cake flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
18 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons
6 ounces unsweetened chocolate, roughly chopped
2 cups granulated sugar
4 extra large eggs
2 extra large egg yolks
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 9 x 13-inch baking pan with foil and lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, cake flour, baking power and salt; set aside.
  3. In the top half of a double boiler over hot water, combine butter and unsweetened chocolate, whisking until completely melted and smooth. Remove from heat.
  4. Add sugar to melted butter-chocolate mixture and beat to combine. Add eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition until just combined. Beat in vanilla extract.
  5. Add dry ingredients in two additions, mixing until just combined.
  6. Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth into an even layer. Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out with a few moist crumbs. Cool completely before cutting and serving.
As you can tell from the pictures, this time around I was using up M&Ms from my leftover Halloween candy stash. I could've probably added more M&Ms on top to use them up but before baking, they seemed like plenty. Next time, I'll need to use a more generous hand.

I prefer adding M&Ms on top of brownies instead of inside cookies. M&M cookies always seem a little too sweet to me, no matter the cookie, because of the sweetness from the candy shell.
On top of fudgy chocolate brownies, M&Ms work well as the brownie is chocolatey rather than sweet so the M&Ms add a nice sweetness and crunch.

I've mentioned in previous posts that Lisa Yockelson is the queen of brownie recipes. She has multiple baking books and a wide variety of brownie recipes. Admittedly, I'm not sure I could tell too many of them apart in a blind taste test and what ingredients make them (slightly) different from each other. But I can tell they're all good. Delicious, fudgy with a firm but soft texture that isn't too mushy. This was easily one of those and the thick brownie batter supported the M&Ms on top quite nicely.
If you want an easy brownie recipe so you can serve warm brownies while unwrapping Christmas presents, this one fits the bill. Merry Christmas (Eve)!