Sunday, August 20, 2023

Crumbl Cookies review #46: French Toast, Milk Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel Cheesecake, Apple Crumb Cake

Crumbl Cookies review #46: French Toast, Milk Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel Cheesecake, Apple Crumb Cake - visited August 4, 2023 
French Toast, Milk Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel Cheesecake, Apple Crumb Cake

Whenever there are at least 3 cookies I want to try at Crumbl, I get a 4-pack. It's cheaper per cookie than getting 3 single boxes and the milk chocolate chip is an easy add since, unlike the more rabid fans of semisweet chocolate, *I* like the milk chocolate chip cookie.
French Toast
I originally wasn't going to get the French Toast since I'd heard mixed reviews about it being too cakey and dry, words that kill the cookie lover's soul. And I've had dry cookies from Crumbl before. Might as well rip up a $5 bill since that's what I wasted when I get a dry cookie. But my now-local store consistently does great cookies so I thought it'd be worth the chance.
And it was. I unexpectedly liked this cookie. Yes, it was more fluffy and cakey than the normally chewy cookie I prefer and I'm not a big fan of breakfast-type cookies in that I'd rather have the actual breakfast item (e.g. French toast, waffle, pancake, etc). But this was good. The store already drizzled the syrup over it beforehand and it added the right touch of sweetness without overwhelming the cookie with syrup (Crumbl waffle, I'm looking at you). My only issue is the edges were just slightly dry (and syrup-less) but other than that, the flavor was good and I liked the (cakey) texture.

Salted Caramel Cheesecake
I had already tried the Salted Caramel Cheesecake the last time it came around so I technically didn't "need" to get it again. But last time the caramel was just a drizzle over the cookie and this time it was an actual pool of caramel. I like Crumbl's caramel and I liked the cookie base of this one so while I'm not a cheesecake fan, it seemed a small price to pay to get the cookie base and caramel pool. And it was delicious. I didn't even mind the cheesecake layer since it wasn't that thick. The salted caramel was perfection as was the cookie base. I hope they keep this version going forward.

Apple Crumb Cake
The Apple Crumb Cake was the one I wanted to try this particular week as it was a new flavor and I like apples. 
Although, to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of apple topping on Crumbl cookies. I tend to only eat a piece of a cookie when I first buy it and then I cut up the rest and package them for my freezer to be doled out in moderation later. Apple toppings don't always survive the freezing and thawing process that well. But even that aside, the apple topping on my cookie looked and tasted like dehydrated and rehydrated apple pieces. Not the end of the world as the cookie base was good. My local store almost always does such a good job on the cookies that I'll give them a pass on dehydrated apples. Plus, it's "just a cookie" and I can't get that worked up about it. At least not this time, ha.

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