Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Crumbl Cookies review #16 - Hazelnut Mudslide

Crumbl Cookies review #16 - Hazelnut Mudslide, May 7, 2022
Confessions of a Crumbl Addict: yeah, that's my dramatic way of saying I did pay a second visit back to Crumbl last week in time to get the Hazelnut Mudslide. 
Full responsibility goes to the person online who compared the Hazelnut Mudslide to a Ferrero Rocher. How could you do that to me? Okay, fine, I'm actually the one who drove to Crumbl, ordered the cookie and ate it. So I guess full responsibility is mine. But still, you damn enablers, lol.
I am surprisingly not a big fan of Crumbl's chocolate cookies with the rare exception of the Chocolate ft Oreo. Either the chocolate doesn't taste like anything special, i.e. I could make it myself like with the Triple Chocolate or it's a little too rich like the Peanut Butter Buckeye. So I was pleasantly surprised that I did like the chocolate cookie base of the Hazelnut Mudslide. Even more surprisingly, I liked the hazelnuts on the cookie. Since they were on the outside, the nuts retained their crunch (if you bake nuts inside the cookie, they steam and soften). And okay, it didn't hurt that there was a flood of nutella on top of the cookie.
When warm, the cookie was a little too fragile to eat. Chocolate sets when it cools so I ended up liking this cookie better at room temperature. Not chilled as the coldness of the cookie loses some of its flavor to my taste buds but at room temp, it had the perfect fudgy texture and the full flavor of both the chocolate and the Nutella. I liked this cookie and I'd probably get it again if there were no other flavors I wanted to try that week. Not sure I'd quite say it was a Ferrero Rocher but it's still a good cookie.



  1. Ooh I heated mine up a bit because I prefer melty Nutella, but its texture actually looks really good at room temp! I wish they'd done a swirl with the topping because the Nutella globs are not as attractive, but flavor was definitely good!

    By the way, if you're interested in trying a Ferrero Rocher cookie, a South Bay home bakery that I love has a milk chocolate hazelnut cookie that's quite similar. It's a seasonal flavor so not available at the moment, but worth checking out when they bring it back:

    1. I’ll check it out, thanks for the tip! I think, lol.

    2. I looked up Batch 22 Bakery - their cookies look delicious. Next time I'm in the Bay Area, I need to go try them. And looks like their cookies are aptly named "pudge", haha.
