Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2012 World Pastry Championship

Although I still have 4-5 more recipes from last week to put up, I'm inserting this post now as I just got back from a mini vacation - I went to the 2012 World Pastry Championship in Las Vegas, NV.  It's been on my bucket list for over 10 years to watch the competition in person and I finally, finally was able to go.  It's held every other year and when it's not the World Pastry Championship, it's the National Pastry Championship for the US teams.  But this year was the world competition and the teams competing were from Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Netherlands, China and USA.  This is the Olympics of the pastry world.  And there certainly were some Olympian chefs there.
This wasn't in the competition but was a sample plated dessert from one of the sponsor booths
Check out the link so you can see what the competition is about - each team has 13 hours, spread over 2 days, to come up with a set of plated desserts to be judged on Day 1 then a sugar showpiece, a chocolate showpiece and petits gateaux for Day 2.  And trust me, this is no easy feat. These chefs are amazing, every single one of them.  I am no expert but during culinary school, I did enough sugar work and chocolate work to know how hard it is and the kind of skill you have to have to even make it to this competition. It takes years of experience and practice.  Some teams practiced for the 13-hour competition with as many as 30 or more 13-hour practice runs of their own for a year and a half.  Imagine that kind of dedication in addition to doing your day job.

Day 1 was mostly a lot of prep for Day 2 although they did complete the plated desserts in time for judging.  It was fascinating to watch the chefs in action.  No movements were wasted, it wasn't the flurry and drama you sometimes see on Food Network (ahem, Chopped, Cupcake Wars, etc); instead everything was streamlined efficiency.  As soon as one task was done, they began another.  They were also judged on how they worked and it was impressive to see sponge cakes being made (often the base for the plated desserts) swiftly, wrapped up, station cleaned, then pastry cream - make, wrap, put away, clean - then mousses and fillings.  Each member of the team had their own jobs to do and they were focused.
One of the plates of petits gateaux we were (very briefly) allowed to photograph
There are various teams of judges and various elements of the competition being judged.  Not just the finished products in terms of taste and appearance but also the way they did their work.  The taste judging is done "blind" with each team getting assigned a number.  The judges don't know which team's products they're judging and their backs are to the team kitchens when they sample the desserts.

Each team must produce
  • 1 sugar showpiece
  • 1 chocolate showpiece
  • 1 sugar/chocolate amenity presentation piece for displaying bonbons on buffet table
  • 14 identical plated desserts
  • 3 different types of chocolate bonbons
  • 3 identical entremets
  • 3 identical entremets glace
  • 3 different types of petits gateaux
The highlight of the competition is always the showpieces at the end.  Each team has to create one showpiece made of sugar and one of chocolate.  This year's theme was astrology and it was interesting to see how each team interpreted that for their showpieces.  There are very strict rules in terms of the type of shapes they can use and what equipment is permissible or not.  They also must transport their showpieces from their stations to the display table.  Many a heart has been broken when a showpiece shatters.  The pictures below do NOT do these showpieces any justice.  They're much more impressive in person.  Apologies that my camera didn't always take the clearest pictures.  The lighting was poor in some places and it was difficult to get a clean shot of the displays with so many people around.  You can't exactly ask a judge blocking the display table to step aside during their judging so you could take a good picture.  Bear in mind, each showpiece is made out of entirely chocolate or entirely sugar, nothing else, rendering them even more incredible.
Team Japan: chocolate showpiece on the left, sugar showpiece on the right
Team Mexico
Team South Korea
South Korea was heartbreaking because in transporting their chocolate showpiece, half of it fell off.  They could only put the other half out for judging. Then shortly after the judging began, the sugar showpiece toppled and this was all they were left with:

Team South Korea's shattered showpieces
Team Netherlands
Team China: sugar dragon and chocolate dragon
Sadly, Team China's chocolate dragon later shattered as well
Team USA had a "cock fight" between the chocolate rooster and the sugar rooster
 As a spectator, I could only get close enough to the teams on the ends to really see what they were working on.  Team Japan was on one end but they had a large contingent of supporters so it was hard to get really close.  Team USA had the most supporters because of the competition's home-country location so it was also hard to squeeze in on that end but I got lucky a couple of times and managed to get up close.  I saw that sugar rooster "come to life" before my eyes and it was nothing short of amazing.  On Day 1, I could see all the elements being put together but since I didn't know what they were building, it was hard to picture it.  But once it did all come together, literally before my eyes, it was beyond mind-boggling that what you see above is all made out of sugar.  Sugar, water and some food coloring.  Astonishing.  Hats off to all the chefs in the competition.

I didn't stay for the awards dinner and I'm still waiting for the website to be updated but I believe I heard Team USA won!  Based on showpieces alone, I would've gone with either Team Japan or Team USA so I'm glad one of my top 2 favorites took the championship.

ETA: just found out Team USA won first place for the degustation award and 2nd place overall in the championship.  Team Japan won first place overall and Team Netherlands won third place.  Congratulations to all the talented chefs from all of the teams.  Every recognition was well deserved.  Here's the press release from the French Pastry School

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Banana Caramel Brownies

Banana Caramel Brownies - made July 4, 2012 from 125 Cookies to Bake, Nibble and Savor by Elinor Klivans

I don't know that I would really call these brownies since they don't have chocolate in them; they should technically be called blondies.  But they do have the "fudgy" texture of a good brownie.  The batter was a bit thin which made me suspect the caramel would sink to the bottom and I was right.  The batter wasn't stiff enough to hold the weight of the caramel during baking.  I think that's partly because the salted caramel I used was heavy in the first place, even when warmed up to make it easier to swirl into the batter.  In hindsight, I should've thinned it a little with some heavy cream.  Nevertheless, this was a good banana blondie, a bit more dense ("fudgy") than a banana cake but pretty tasty.  Next time though, I would use a regular caramel instead of the salted caramel; I think that would be more complementary to the taste of the banana.

1 1/3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons (1 stick) soft unsalted butter
1 1/3 cups packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ½ cups sliced and mashed bananas (about 3)
2 large eggs
¾ cup caramel (I used the Salted Caramel from Trader Joe’s)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional, I left them out)

1.     Position a rack in the middle of the oven.  Preheat oven to 325°F.    Line a 9 x 9” baking pan with foil and lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray.
2.     Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together and set aside.
3.     Put the butter in the large bowl of an electric mixer and beat on low speed for 15 seconds.  Add the brown sugar and vanilla until the mixture is creamed thoroughly, about 1 minute.  Mix in the mashed bananas.  Add the eggs, blending until they are incorporated.  Slowly add the flour mixture and mix just until it is incorporated and the batter is smooth.  Stir in ¼ cup of the caramel filling until it is blended with the batter.
4.     Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan.  Drizzle the remaining ½ cup caramel filling over the top.  Draw a thin metal spatula gently through the batter to swirl in the caramel, leaving swirls of caramel on top.  Sprinkle the pecans evenly, trying to drop them wherever caramel is showing through.
5.     Bake for about 50 minutes, or just until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Cool the brownies in the pan on a wire rack.

    Chef In Training

Friday, July 6, 2012

Orange Dreamsicle Cookies

Orange Dreamsicle Cookies - made dough June 23, 2012, baked June 30, 2012 from My Happy Place blog

Thank you all for the prayers and support for Zoe's family - they're much appreciated.  Similar to Zoe's outlook in her battle with cancer, we all look for the good in any situation that makes us stronger and appreciate what we have.  She was a living testament to that mindset and always thought of others.  One of the pieces of good I've received was to find out from a person who commented on my previous post about an organization called CookiesforKidsCancer.org.  I'd never heard of them before but I'm glad to have heard of them now and plan to order from them for any occasion I can think of for friends and family and to donate to them.  Thank you, Debbie D, for letting me know about them.

I'm still posting the blog posts I wrote prior to Zoe's passing so they're not going to have the same tone as what I'm feeling at the moment - bear with me.

I like oranges.  I like cookies.  So I don't know why I don't make orange cookies that often or even try recipes for them.  Let me rectify that. I saw this from one (or more) of the link parties I participate in and had to pin it.  Then I had to make it because I'm also obsessing about trying the recipes I pin.  So glad I tried this one as it was quite good.  Like a tasty, moist sugar cookie but with an orange flavor.  The white chocolate complements the orange nicely.  While I'm not a big advocate of white chocolate chips, they worked really well in this recipe.

Normally when I make recipes from another blog, I only link up to their blog post so you have to go there to get the recipe because I believe in credit (and web traffic) going to where credit is due.  But then I started getting paranoid about the other blogs going down, their blog owners no longer doing a blog and something happening to that recipe on their blog.  Disastrous if it's a recipe I really like.  What if I never get access to it again??  So I am going to be including the recipes on my own blog, with my modifications if I make any - just in case.  But please do visit the original blogs that they came from; you never know what gems you might discover on your own.

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon orange zest
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 3/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 white chocolate bar, chopped (I used white chocolate chips)
  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Beat in egg, vanilla, orange zest and orange juice.
  4. Stir in all dry ingredients slowly until just combined.
  5. Add in white chocolate chunks/chips.
  6. Drop by tablespoonful onto prepared baking sheet.
  7. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
Note: if you're not baking right away, don't preheat the oven, scoop the dough into dough balls, chill until firm then put in freezer bags and store in the freezer until you're ready to bake.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Toffee Butter Cookies

Chocolate Toffee Butter Cookies - made dough June 8, 2012, baked at various times from Cook's Country Chocolate Desserts
I had written this blog post earlier and it seems a bit frivolous to me now.  Because it's with a heavy heart that I write that my friend Maria's daughter, Zoe, who I had made the Naked Twix bars for in my previous post, passed away last night.  Rest in peace, Zoe, and be with God and His angels - you're one of them now and always have been.

Original post: Last Christmas, my cousin Christine gave me the magazine booklet this recipe came from.  She also went one step better and actually made one of the recipes from it as part of my present - gotta love that.  So I already know these cookies are good but I had to make them for myself.  These are perfect make-ahead cookies since they're essentially slice-n-bake.  Just make the dough ahead of time, roll into logs, wrap logs in wax paper, put in freezer bags and freeze until you're ready to bake them.  You'll notice my cookies don't have the chocolate part of the title in them.  That's because I left off the last step of melting chocolate and drizzling them over the cookies.  I included the original directions below but feel free to skip the chocolate as well.  I left it off mostly because, with hotter summer temps, it's hard to keep the chocolate from melting after it's drizzled over the cookie and sets plus I actually preferred the toffee flavor without it.

This is one of those cookies where I puzzled over the baking time.  When I followed the directions and only bake them for 10-12 minutes, the edges get a little crisp but not much and the middle is soft.  Which is okay but not what I look for in a thinly sliced slice-n-bake cookie.  I prefer a bit more crunch throughout the whole cookie.  I accidentally discovered that if you bake them long enough (without burning them of course), the whole cookie crisps up and becomes exactly the crispy texture I was looking for.  I say accidentally because I was baking a batch to take to Zoe's party and after I had checked on them, I turned the oven off but left the sheet in the oven as I decided the cookies needed one more minute.  Then I went off to do something else and yup, totally forgot about the cookies until 10 minutes later.  Fortunately since the oven was already turned off, the cookies didn't burn.  But they did come out more brown than I had intended.  I let them cool and tried one later.  Success!  The extra baking time was perfect to get them crunchy without being dry.  So, depending on your texture preference, try baking them a little longer if you want the crunch.  I also think it would be better to add toasted pecans to the cookie dough itself for a bit more crunch and taste to cut the sweetness of the toffee.  However, if you leave off the pecans and bake until the cookies are crunchy, the taste and texture are similar to Biscoff cookies.  It doesn't have the spice taste of a Biscoff cookie but the brown sugar and toffee flavors are great substitutes.

2 1/3 cups (11 2/3 ounces) all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
16 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1 cup packed (7 ounces) light brown sugar (I used dark brown sugar)
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup Heath Toffee Bits (without chocolate coating)
1 ½ cups (9 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2/3 cup chopped pecans, toasted and chopped fine (you can add some directly to the dough if you wish)

1. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt together in medium bowl. In stand mixer fitted with paddle, beat butter and brown sugar on medium speed until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add egg and vanilla and beat until combined, about 30 seconds. Reduce speed to low, add to flour mixture in 2 additions, and mix until incorporated. Stir in toffee bits. Divide dough in half and roll each piece into log about 9 inches long and 1 ½ inches in diameter. Flatten logs into 2 ½”-wide rectangles. Wrap rectangles in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, about 1 ½ hours.
2. Adjust oven racks to upper-middle and lower-middle positions and heat oven to 350°F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
3. Using chef’s knife, cut dough into ¼”-thick slices; transfer slices to parchment-lined sheets, spacing 1 inch apart. Bake until just browned around edges, 10 to 12 minutes, switching and rotating sheets halfway through baking. (For a more crunchy texture, bake 15-20 minutes.)  Let cookies cool completely on baking sheets. Use remaining dough to make second batch of cookies.
4. Transfer baked cookies to wire rack set in baking sheet. Heat chocolate chips in heatproof bowl set over pot of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally, until melted. Add oil to chocolate and mix until smooth. Dip part of each cookie into melted chocolate or drizzle chocolate over cookies with soup spoon. Sprinkle pecans over chocolate-coated cookies. Allow chocolate to set about 1 hour before serving cookies.

Linked  to Sweet Treats Thursday
What's cooking, love?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"Naked" Twix brownie bars for a Sweet 16

Grandma Lilly's Brownies - made June 30, 2012, recipe adapted into homemade Twix bars from A Country Baking Treasury by Lisa Yockelson
Last weekend, I went to a Sweet 16 party of a remarkable young woman named Zoe.  Zoe is the daughter of Maria, one of my oldest friends from high school (ahem, that "old" refers to the age of our friendship, not my or my friend's age - just sayin').  Despite her young age, Zoe has shone the remarkable fortitude and courage of people more than twice, three and four times her age.  You see, last year, Zoe was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer and in the past 10 months, she has gone through more than most of us can conceive of in our lifetime.  Even more importantly, she has gone through it all with grace, courage and faith - the kind that you don't know you're capable of until you have to come up with the inner fortitude to take what's thrown at you, even when it's a one-two punch with Life's brass knuckles.

It hasn't been easy and her challenging journey isn't over yet but in true awe-inspiring fashion, she met a recent bleak medical prognosis determined to "spend the summer happy, not sad".  Part of that happiness was celebrating her Sweet 16 milestone and that we did.  When I asked Maria what I could bring to the party (because you know I'm incapable of showing up anywhere empty-handed - it's just not Filipino), I was glad to hear Zoe's favorite candy was Twix bars.  Because when I had first made homemade Twix brownie bars, I had sent a care package of them to Maria and her family and it sounded like they went over well.  So I went back to that confection to bring to the party.
Top row: Naked Twix Bars
Middle row, left: Toffee Cookies (later blog post coming shortly)
Bottom row, right: Buttery Toffee Cookies

I did mix it up a bit though and while I used the same shortbread base and same recipe for the caramel layer, I tried out this new brownie recipe.  The original recipe is enough for a 9 x 13 pan but I was only making an 8-inch pan so I cut the ingredients in half.  Taste-wise and texture-wise, I liked this brownie recipe better than the one I used earlier.  However, it made a thicker brownie than the other recipe so it made for bigger "Twix" bars.  Not that that's necessarily a bad thing but enrobing in melted chocolate was a bit more problematic as not all of the rectangular pieces wanted to behave and remain upright while being enrobed.  It didn't help that it was warm in my kitchen, almost too warm to work successfully with chocolate.  I ended up enrobing only a few pieces to chill and set in the fridge and let the others remain naked.  Not just because the chocolate was a pain to work with in warm weather but also because I was running late for church and ran out of time to enrobe them all.
The enrobed version
I ended up bringing both enrobed and "naked" versions to the party along with two kinds of butter toffee cookies. A friend captured the shot at one of the dessert tables.  But that was before Zoe's dad, Randy, snuck the plate of enrobed Twix bars to tuck away for later.  That plate was for Zoe and her immediate family so it was a good call on his part, especially when the cookie platter emptied out minutes later.  It was a great party and all I can wish for a special 16-year-old are prayers that she wins this battle and celebrates many more birthdays ahead.
One of the dessert tables
1/4 pound (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into chunks
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1.      Line an 8-inch pan with foil and lightly spray with nonstick cookie spray.  Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Make the shortbread layer and bake for 20 minutes until golden.
2.    For the brownies: melt the butter and chocolate in a heavy saucepan over very low heat; stir well and set aside to cool.
3.    Whisk the flour with the baking powder and salt. 
4.     Pour the melted chocolate-butter mixture into a large mixing bowl.  Beat in the eggs, one at a time.  Blend in the sugar and vanilla.  Stir in the sifted mixture, mixing just until the particles of flour have been absorbed. 
5.     Pour and scrape the batter over the hot shortbread crust.
6.     Bake the brownies on the middle-level rack of the oven for 25 minutes (for a very fudgy brownie, bake for 20 minutes).
7.     Cool the brownie cake in the pan on a rack until it reached room temperature, about 2 hours.  Cover with the caramel layer and let set.  Cut into small-ish, thin rectangles.  Enrobe in melted milk chocolate.

Yield: 24 brownies

Cast Party Wednesday 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Filling

Chocolate Sour Cream Cupcakes - made June 29, 2012 from Cupcakes! by Elinor Klivans

I'm still channeling my fascination for Cupcake Wars and still kibbitzing over my cupcake corer.  Seriously, I love this thing.  If I was still 5 years old, it'd be the equivalent of a new Barbie.  This time I remembered to buy regular cupcake liners so my cupcakes wouldn't be too big and the corer would work as it's supposed to.  And it did - plunge, twist and lift up.  You're left with a perfect round hole in the cupcake and a little cylinder of cupcake in the corer which you could pop out and sample *cough* over and over again *cough* as many times as you have cupcakes.

Besides pastry cream with vanilla cupcakes, my other safe flavor combination is chocolate with caramel.  So I made these chocolate sour cream cupcakes and filled them with salted caramel before frosting with chocolate buttercream. That was the plan anyway.  After I had filled the first 3 cupcakes, I got concerned that the caramel filling would just seep into the cupcake and make it too moist.  I wasn't giving the cupcakes away until the next morning and I didn't know how the cupcakes would fare overnight.  So for the rest of the cupcakes, I ended up mixing the chocolate buttercream frosting with some of the salted caramel and used that as the filling instead.

I also ended up modifying the buttercream recipe to suit my taste.  The original recipe by Elinor Klivans called for 3 sticks of butter.  While I've used that much butter in 1 recipe without blinking, having that much in a frosting recipe did give me pause.  I don't really care for traditional buttercream because the texture always seems a bit greasy to me. So I cut back on the butter, omitted the heavy cream from the original recipe and came up with my own frosting.  Frosting measurements are never that precise because you have to play with the dry and liquid ingredients to get the flavor and consistency you want and there's no one right answer.  Just be sure you let your butter come to room temperature (but not too soft) and let your melted chocolate cool properly before adding it or it'll melt the butter.

Did I mention these cupcakes were to die for?  They're scrumptious on their own, unfilled and unfrosted with the perfect taste and cakey texture that's fluffy, not too dense or too rich.  If you like the bells and whistles on your cupcake, adding the filling and frosting will send you into orbit.  I also sprinkled fleur de sel over the frosting to top off the sweet-salty combination.

3 ounces unsweetened chocolate
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 ¼ cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup sour cream
½ cup water

1.     Preheat oven to 350°F.  Line 18 muffins tins with cupcake liners.
2.     Melt the chocolate in the top half of a double boiler set over hot water, stirring until smooth.
3.     Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Set aside.
4.     Cream the butter and sugar together in the bowl of an electric mixer until well blended and creamy, about 2 minutes.  Mix in the melted chocolate until incorporated.  Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition until blended.  Add the vanilla and beat for 1 minute.  Mix in the sour cream until no white streaks remain.  Add half of the dry ingredients and beat on low speed until just incorporated.  Add the water.  Add the remaining dry ingredients, mixing until just incorporated.  Do not overmix.    
5.     Distribute evenly amongst cupcake liners and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of one comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, about 15-20 minutes.  Cool completely before filling and frosting.

Chocolate Frosting
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
2 ½ cups powdered sugar
1 ½ tablespoons unsweetened Dutch process cocoa powder
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1.     Melt the chocolate in the top half of a double boiler set over hot water.  Stir until smooth and set aside to cool slightly.
2.     Beat the butter until creamy.  Sift the powdered sugar and cocoa together into a large mixing bowl.  Add to the butter and, using an electric mixer on low speed, beat until smoothly blended.  Beat in the melted chocolate.  Add the vanilla, mixing to incorporate.
3.     On medium speed, beat the frosting for at least 3 minutes, until it looks smooth and creamy and the color lightens.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie - made June 24, 2012 from the Culinary Institute of America's Baking & Pastry Arts certification program

I never used to think I would like coconut cream pie, partly because I don't ordinarily like custard-y desserts but mostly because all the coconut cream pies I had seen had mile-high whipped cream topping and I don't do whipped cream, aka flavored air with calories.  Then when I was in culinary school, we made coconut cream pie and once I tasted it, my reaction was "where have you been all my life??"  What helped me get over my unwarranted prejudice is by then I had already gotten hooked on the CIA's pastry cream recipe and this coconut cream pie recipe was very similar in how the pastry cream was made; the main difference was the addition of coconut.  I also tried the pie without whipped cream and I was hooked.

The recipe below is straight from my CIA recipe binder so the directions are sparse and this is enough to make a full-size pie (at least an 8-9" pie).  If you end up with more filling than you need, separate out what you need for the pie before you add the coconut and use the leftover as regular pastry cream.  Or you can do what I did and bake it as mini pies, as many as you have crusts and filling for.

20 ounces milk
2 ounces sugar
1.5 ounces egg (1)
1 ounce egg yolk (2)
5 tablespoons cornstarch
2 ounces sugar
1 ounce butter
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla
¾ cup shredded coconut

Unbaked pie crust(s)

1.     Line pie pan(s) with pie dough, prick the bottom, line with parchment paper and beans or pie weights and prebake.  Let cool.
2.     Combine eggs, cornstarch, sugar and a little of the milk to make a paste.
3.     Boil the milk with the sugar, temper the starch and bring back to a boil.
4.     Add butter, vanilla and coconut.
5.     Pour custard into pie pans and put into refrigerator.
6.     When cool, decorate with whipped cream and toasted coconut. (Or if you're like me, leave off the whipped cream.)


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Banana "Napoleons"

Banana "Napoleons" - made June 23, 2012

I can't claim these as real napoleons since they technically only had 1 layer of puff pastry and napoleons are supposed to have multiple layers.  I originally started out with the intention of creating a napoleon with 3 layers of pastry, 2 layers of pastry cream and 2 layers of bananas.  Alas, I didn't take into account the puff pastry, well, puffing up quite so much.  They literally went airborne and it would've been impractical to try to mush them into 3 layers or else I'd end up with a crumbly mess.  Puff pastry doesn't take kindly to being mushed down.  Instead, I cut one piece through the middle, filled it with pastry cream and bananas and called it a dessert.

This is a simple one to make for those summer days when you'd rather be outside than in the kitchen.  It only requires about 15 minutes of baking time and you can prep the pastry cream ahead of time.  I cheated on the puff pastry by buying the ready-made kind by Pepperidge Farm.  I know, I know, I'm supposed to be more snobby than that but in this rare instance, the store-bought version was just fine, especially since I didn't have the time or materials to make puff pastry from scratch.

After you thaw the puff pastry according to the package directions, slice it with a pizza cutter (for straight cuts) in the size you want to make your dessert.  I sliced one sheet into thirds lengthwise, then each strip into thirds again to make rectangles.  Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar to taste and bake according to the package directions.  Bake until golden brown then let cool for about 5 minutes before slicing in half and layering with pastry cream and sliced bananas.  Serve immediately.

The advantage of this type of simple dessert is you only have your oven on for a short period of time, as opposed to longer baking times for cakes or pies or multiple cookie sheets, which may be a factor during hot summer months.  You can also make the pastry cream a day ahead and keep it in your refrigerator until you're ready to use it.

Now, another take on the same dessert is, before baking the puff pastry, you slice it in the size you want for each individual dessert, cover all but the edges with pastry cream, layer sliced bananas on top of the pastry cream and bake until the pastry is golden brown.  Because it's weighed down by the pastry cream and bananas, it won't get the same rise so it's a bit more manageable.  The bananas will also roast for more flavor.  Once they're baked, sprinkle the bananas with granulated sugar, brulee them then top with ice cream.  Serve immediately.  I have to confess, I liked the second way better because of the taste of the baked bananas and the puff pastry being easier to eat without crumbling.

Linked to Sweet Treats Thursday
What's cooking, love?  Cast Party Wednesday

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Golden Orange Buttermilk Cake

Golden Orange Buttermilk Cake - made June 23, 2012, recipe adapted from Cakes to Die For by Bev Shaffer

My orange tree is still valiantly trying to grow oranges.  I counted 3 little ones that have made it just barely past the tiny little bud/blossom-I-might-become-an-orange-someday stage.  So I wait with bated breath to see how they play out.  In the meantime, I've got to buy the oranges I eat and use for baking.  Although oranges are available year round (if you're fortunate), I tend to associate them with summer and bake with them more often in the warmer months.

This is another I-have-to-use-up-my-buttermilk baking recipe I dusted off from my "Still Need to Make" recipe folder.  I amass recipes and dump them in that folder on my computer for baking someday. I classify this one under picnic cakes that'll withstand summer temps because it's easy to make in a bundt pan, slice and serve without worrying about a thick frosting melting off of it or it getting stale too quickly.  Overall this was a good basic pound cake.  The cake itself was more of a vanilla butter pound cake than a true orange cake so for more orange flavor, I made some adjustments (modifications below) to the original recipe as to what I would do the next time I make this cake.

I'm still on the lookout for a cakey orange cake with a fluffy texture rather than a dense pound cake texture though.  This wasn't it so the search continues.

3 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature, cut into pieces
4 large eggs
¾ cup buttermilk
1 tablespoon freshly grated orange zest (more if desired for more orange flavor)
1 tablespoon fresh orange juice

Orange soaking syrup
1/4 cup - 1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 ¼ cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
2 teaspoons fresh orange juice, pulp free
1 to 2 tablespoons water or additional fresh orange juice
1 tablespoon orange zest, optional but recommended for more orange flavor

1.     Heat the oven to 325F.  Grease and flour a 10” tube pan or 12-cup Bundt pan, tapping out excess flour.
2.     In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
3.     In a large bowl of an electric mixer, beat the sugar and butter until light and fluffy. 
4.     Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until blended.  With mixer on low, gradually add flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk until well mixed.  Scrape bowl.  Stir in the orange zest and orange juice until combined.
5.     Spread batter into prepared pan.  Bake for 50 to 66 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  While the cake is baking, heat the ingredients for the soaking syrup, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved completely.
6.     Cool cake in pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes.  Then run a small spatula around the inside edge of the pan and carefully remove the cake by inverting on a wire rack lined with wax paper.  Brush with the soaking syrup until all syrup has been absorbed.  Cool completely.
7.     For the glaze: in a medium bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar, orange juice, orange zest and just enough water or additional orange juice until the desired consistency is reached.  Drizzle over cooled cake.  Serves 12-14.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Vanilla Cupcakes for Vanilla King

Yellow Butter Cake - made June 22, 2012, recipe adapted from Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook and made into cupcakes

One of my favorite shows on TV is Cupcake Wars on Food Network.  Every Sunday night, you can find me in front of my TV, stressing out with the cupcake bakers on how to pass the taste challenge (Round 1), the taste and presentation challenge (Round 2) and creating a display and baking 1000 cupcakes in 2 hours (Round 3) with 4 baking assistants and a bearded carpenter clad in plaid.  When I first started watching the show, it stressed me out so much I almost couldn't watch it.  It reminded me too much of culinary school and the daily stress of making desserts in time for the lunch deadline (you don't sit down and eat lunch until the desserts are done, plated, on display and your station is clean).  I've since gotten used to the show so now I can actually distance myself enough to enjoy the cupcakes they're making rather than cringing in empathic sympathy for what the contestants are going through.

What fascinates me about the show is all the flavor combinations they put together.  My idea of the perfect cupcake is a well-made, moist, plain (i.e. non-filled) cupcake topped with the thinnest layer of frosting and no decorations that I would otherwise only pluck off and never eat.  Cupcake Wars goes to the opposite end of the spectrum and the most exotic (or sometimes just plain weird) flavors are baked into the cupcakes, they're filled with "stuff", thickly topped with frosting and decorated in all sorts of ways.  Most of them are probably cupcakes I wouldn't eat but some of them sure look pretty.  And some do put together flavor combinations I would probably like.

The cupcake corer
Despite my aversion to fillings in cupcakes, I decided I'd try it out - namely because I found a cool new baking gadget to play with - the cupcake corer.  Granted, a small knife or the large-enough end of a decorating tip could accomplish the same thing: making a hole in the cupcake, extracting the bit of cupcake and leaving a hole or well in the center to be filled with filling.  But for $4.99, no tax and free shipping, I felt I could indulge in a new baking gadget.

I was meeting my cousin and her son, Vanilla King, for dinner and I needed something befitting his moniker - I gave it to him, after all, since he's the only kid I know who not only prefers vanilla but actually doesn't like chocolate.  Doesn't like chocolate.  Had to repeat that because my brain can't comprehend it. In any case, what better cupcake for Vanilla King than a vanilla cupcake filled with vanilla pastry cream and topped with vanilla icing?  I used Martha Stewart's recipe for Yellow Butter Cake and made a half recipe into cupcakes.  Turns out I didn't have regular cupcake liners on hand so I used the mini panettone molds instead.  They made for a bigger, taller cupcake than I intended but oh well.
Filled with pastry cream
The cupcake corer actually worked but because of the size of my cupcakes, it couldn't make a very deep hole before the lip of the corer ran into the top of the cupcake.  I thought it would be okay without my enlarging the holes manually with a knife but it turns out I should have because there ended up not being very much filling in the cupcakes.  With regular cupcake liners, I think it would've been okay.  I used the CIA recipe for pastry cream because it's my favorite.  If you're only making 1 batch of cupcakes, a half recipe of the pastry cream would be more than enough.

The recipe for the cake was pretty good.  I still have an underbaking problem so they probably turned out a little heavier than Martha intended but the taste was nice and buttery.  Next time I would bake it a minute or two longer and use more filling.  Good thing there's no possibility of my appearing on Cupcake Wars any time soon.  Or ever.
Because Vanilla King is 7 years old, I had to add sprinkles to his cupcakes
Needs more filling
2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 ½ cups cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 ¾ cups sugar
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups milk

1.       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Butter two 9” round cake pans; line the bottoms with parchment paper.
2.       In a medium bowl, sift together flours, baking powder and salt; set aside.
3.       In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary.  Beat in eggs, one at a time, then beat in the vanilla.  With the mixer on low speed, add the flour mixture in three parts, alternating with the milk and beginning and ending with the flour mixture.  Beat until combined after each addition.
4.       Divide the batter evenly between the cake pans and smooth with an offset metal spatula.  Bake, rotating the pans halfway through, until cakes are golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the centers come out clean, 30 to 35 minutes (20-25 minutes or less if you’re baking as cupcakes).  Transfer pans to a wire rack to cool for 20 minutes.  Invert cakes onto rack, peel off parchment and reinvert.  Let cool completely before frosting.

Vanilla Frosting
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 pound confectioners’ sugar, sifted (more or less, depending on the consistency you want your frosting)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1-2 tablespoons milk, adjust with confectioners’ sugar for desired consistency

1.       With an electric mixer, beat butter on medium high speed until pale and creamy, about 2 minutes.
2.       Reduce speed to medium.  Add the confectioners’ sugar, ½ cup at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping down sides of bowl as needed; after every two additions, raise speed to high and beat 10 seconds to aerate frosting, then return to medium. 
3.       Add vanilla and milk, and beat until frosting is smooth.  If not using immediately, frosting can be refrigerated up to 10 days in an airtight container.  Before using, bring to room temperature and beat on low speed until smooth again, about 5 minutes.