Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Toffee and White Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Toffee and White Chocolate Chunk Cookies - made April 6, 2012 from That Skinny Chick Can Bake! blog

Super quick post as I'm short on time this week.  Made these cookies from That Skinny Chick Can Bake's blog (and she really can :)).  Mine didn't come out with the same appearance as hers, probably because I like to underbake my cookies, but I really liked these.  It's a nice brown sugar cookie with white chocolate, toffee and coconut add-ins.  The edges were crisp and the middles were chewy, always the hallmark of a good cookie in my book.  Click on the title for the recipe.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chocolate Chip Caramel Toffee Cookie Cups

Chocolate Chip Caramel Toffee Cookie Cups - made April 4, 2012 from The Sweet Spot blog

I finally remembered the pan I bought at Sur La Table was called a dessert cup pan.  Basically, it looks like a 6-cavity muffin tin but instead of a muffin shape, there's a dome in the middle of each cavity so that when you fill it with batter or dough, bake and invert the baked product, you'll end up with a well in the center of each one. Which is perfect for something like this - a chocolate chip caramel toffee cookie cup with a nice little dip in the middle to cradle a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  I used the recipe from The Sweet Spot's blog (click on the recipe title to go to the recipe) but any chocolate chip cookie recipe will do.  Just let it cool for a few minutes in the pan first though before you invert or else the cookies will be too hot and could fall apart.

I like to serve these when they've been 10-12 minutes out of the oven and are still warm but not hot.  It won't be too hot to melt the ice cream on contact but the caramel bits and chocolate chips will still be melt-y enough to add some gooeyness.  It's not bad at room temperature either, which I discovered, all in the name of research.....after a 4-mile run at the gym (there goes that workout, haha).  So yummy.  And if you don't have a dessert cup pan, never fear, you can bake these in any ramekin or even muffin tins and follow the same principle.  Just don't forget the ice cream.

Editing to add: since there was some interest in the dessert pan I used, here it is on amazon - Dessert Cup Pan

  The Sweet Spot What's cooking, love?

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Apple Cobbler - made April 2, 2012 adapted from Perfect Light Desserts by Nick Malgieri

I almost didn't put up this post.  It wasn't very good and I didn't want it to take up space on my blog, lol.  But I don't just put up the good recipes, I put up all recipes I try and critique them honestly so I will compromise, admit I made this and keep it brief.

"Real" cobbler, as opposed to crisps, fools, grunts, etc is typically defined by having biscuit dough baked on top.  In culinary school, we made a terrific cobbler and my favorite part was the dough baked on top which was more like a pie dough than a biscuit dough.  Not so with this one.  The dough part was definitely more like a biscuit, heavier and less sweet than what you'd use for a good strawberry shortcake and not as good as or flaky like an actual biscuit.  It was just bread-y without being good bread.  Nah.

Cobbler Topping
2 cups cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
Sugar for sprinkling the top crust

Fruit of your choice for cobbler, lightly sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Sift the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Beat the egg and combine with the buttermilk.
  4. Pour over dry ingredients and mix with rubber spatula (do not overmix).
  5. Drop large spoonfuls over fruit mixture in ceramic baking dish and smooth top.
  6. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until topping is a golden color and the fruit is bubbling.
  7. Serve warm with ice cream.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sweet Buttermilk Banana Cake

Sweet Buttermilk Banana Cake - made March 31, 2012 from Go Ahead Take a Bite's blog

Remember when I said the days are going by too fast and wow, it's already April?  That goes double when I see expiration dates on my perishable ingredients, including buttermilk that I always seem to race to use before it expires.  I mark how fast the time flies by how quickly those expirations come and go.  I had pinned this recipe (click on the recipe title to go to the original recipe itself) shortly after getting on Pinterest as I knew "someday" I would be in the position of having to use up buttermilk and I'd need some recipes to test out on a dime.

I love banana cake and am still on a quest to make one that's similar in texture to my favorite banana cake from Icing On the Cake Bakery in Los Gatos, CA.  Theirs is so fluffy.  Seriously, I want to get a job there just to learn how to make their banana cake.  (Obsess much, yes, I do).

I changed two things from this recipe though.  The original recipe called for shortening.  I don't know why but I'm always reluctant to use shortening in cakes.  I prefer butter for more flavor.  The weird thing is I have no hang up about using oil in cakes.  But if I can substitute butter for shortening, I do.  And I did.  I also went with a standard cream cheese frosting because that's my preferred frosting with banana cake.  I thought this cake was pretty good.  It was moist and the texture was similar to a pound cake although not quite as dense.  Still not the fluffy texture of Icing on the Cake though so my quest continues.  Although maybe I would've gotten fluffier results if I had used shortening?  I may have to try it again and stay more faithful to the original recipe.

Cream Cheese Frosting
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 ounces (4 tablespoons or 1/2 stick) butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-3 cups confectioners' sugar

Cream the cream cheese and butter together until well combined.  Add vanilla extract.  Add confectioners' sugar, 1/2 cup at a time, until frosting is the taste and consistency desired.  Use immediately.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nutella Rice Krispies Easter Baskets

Nutella Rice Krispies Easter Baskets - made March 31, 2012, inspiration from Chef in Training and Will Cook for Smiles blogs

Easter snuck on me this year.  Actually, all the special occasion days have: pi day (didn't make a pie), St Patrick's Day (didn't make anything green), Mardi Gras (no King Cake - okay, I probably wouldn't have made one anyway but still....), and so on.  It didn't help that we've had rain off and on for the past 3 weeks and it's been more winter than spring whereas winter was more spring than winter.  So my seasonal timetables are all messed up.  And now it's April.  Yikes.  Okay, I am surfacing long enough to realize ahead of time that Easter is this Sunday.  When I was a kid, we didn't do the whole Easter bunny/egg hunt thing at my house.  Easter was more about Jesus and dressing a little more nicely on Easter Sunday in new spring clothes.  As an adult, Easter is still about Jesus for me but I also enjoy a good chocolate egg here and there, primarily the Cadbury mini eggs with the hard shell coating and milk chocolate inside.  I also like the Cadbury caramel eggs with the liquid caramel inside a milk chocolate shell.  Alas, however, I am indifferent at best, dislike at worst, all other Easter candy.  The ones I'm indifferent to are all the candies you can get at any other holiday except at Easter, they're pastel colored and egg shaped.  But Peeps?  Oh no.  They're marshmallows without rice krispies.  And dyed marshmallows at that.  Plus they come in weird shapes.  I don't enjoy the visual of sinking my teeth into a gummy, stretchy, dyed bunny head or a baby chick; no real self-respecting bunny or chick would actually be any of those colors nor would I bite their heads off either.  Sorry, Easter bunny, not in my kitchen.

But I do like to pay homage to my annual bag of Cadbury mini eggs.  Last year for Easter, I made Chocolate Easter baskets using pretzels coated with chocolate to form a mini basket for my favorite Easter candy.  This year, I took inspiration from two different blogs, Will Cook for Smiles using the rice krispie treat recipe to form baskets and Chef in Training's blog for the nutella addition.  This is a really simple and easy recipe to make.  For the basket shape, I used a pan I got from Sur La Table that makes a well in the center.  But you don't need any fancy pans to make baskets.  If you don't want to freeform shape baskets by hand, turn a mini muffin tin over and shape the warm rice krispie mixture around each cavity.  Then gently slip off when they've set a bit.  You can also use a regular size muffin tin if you want a bigger size basket. If you have kids, this is a fun recipe to make with them, especially for little ones.

Click on the blog links above to go to the original posts - I've made some slight modifications to the recipe and instructions below as I found that adding the nutella into the melted marshmallow/butter mixture almost made the mixture seize and made it difficult to incorporate enough rice krispies into it.  So I suggest warming up the nutella first to get it to blend more easily without having to cook the marshmallow mixture more than necessary.  If you overcook the marshmallows, your Rice Krispie treats will get too hard when they cool.

5-6 cups Rice Krispies (I never measure, just add however much you can get in there)
1 10.5 ounce bag mini marshmallows
1/4 cup butter
1 cup Nutella
  1. Melt butter and mini marshmallows over low heat until just barely melted, stirring constantly. 
  2. Warm Nutella in the microwave at 30-second intervals until it's liquid but not too hot.  Add to the barely melted marshmallow mixture and stir to incorporate.  Take off the heat and add Rice Krispies.
  3. Work quickly to form the baskets using a turned-over mini muffin pan.  Shape gently, let cool and turn right side up.  When completely cool, fill with your favorite Easter candy.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vanilla Bean Sugar Cookie Cake

Vanilla Bean Sugar Cookie Cake - made March 25, 2012 from Dreaming of White Chocolate blog

I have seen various versions of this around the blogosphere for the past few months, most having rave reviews and leading me to wonder "what am I missing?"  I like vanilla so I wanted to make it too.  And I did attempt it a few times, including my Valentine Sugar Cookie Cake that I made up on the fly.  The most common version was the Lofthouse Sugar Cookie Cake which contains cream cheese and butter.  The first 2 variations of the same recipe that I tried didn't include cream cheese so for my third attempt, I decided to stick to the more common version that had it.

Why was I trying so many (for me) times?  Because I have to admit, I was underwhelmed with the results of the cookie cake.  I liked the flavor but not the texture.  But so many people raved about them, not just liked them but raved about them, that I convinced myself I must've done something wrong on the previous tries.  And if I could just hit on the right recipe and technique, I too would rave.  I went with this version from Dreaming of White Chocolate's blog because her picture showed a fluffy, moist cake and that was what I wanted (click on the title above to go to her recipe).  What I hadn't liked about my previous attempts is they always seemed a little dry to me.  Part of that was my own perception - if it's made in a 9 x 13 pan and looks like a cake, it should be moist like a cake.  But it's meant to be a "cookie cake" and cookies aren't as moist and fluffy as a cake.  But still, I wanted a moist cake.

I followed the directions for the cake but made up my own frosting recipe.  I was a little concerned when I cut the frosted cake because mine didn't look fluffy like the Dreaming of White Chocolate blog picture.  It looked.....dry.  Gads.  Been there, did it again.  Once again, I had made a decent bar cookie but a slightly dry cake.  The only thing that really saved it was the frosting.  And I'm not even a frosting person!  So when the frosting is the best part of the piece, well, as I said, I was underwhelmed.

But wait, you know what you can do with a dry-ish cake?  That's right, pop it into the microwave for 10 seconds.  The frosting gets a little melty on top and the cake softens up to the perfect texture.  So I actually ended up loving these when they're warm to lukewarm.  So that's a good tip to remember: if you like the flavor of something but not the texture, try warming it up just a bit.  For cakes, I wouldn't go more than 15 seconds in the microwave, 10 seconds if it's got frosting.  Same with cookies.  I liked this warm but no, I wouldn't eat it at room temperature.

Vanilla Frosting
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
2-3 cups confectioners' sugar (depending on the consistency you want the frosting to be)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1-2 tablespoons whole milk, as needed

Beat butter until soft and creamy.  Add 2 cups confectioners sugar and vanilla extract and paste.  Alternately add milk and confectioners' sugar until you have the desired consistency and taste.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Homemade Whatchamacallits

Homemade Whatchamacallits - made March 23, 2012 from Inside BruCrew Life's blog

Remember Whatchamacallits?  I used  to love these candy bars when I was a kid - crisp rice, caramel, peanuts and chocolate, a no-fail combo.  I don't know if they even make these anymore since I don't shop the candy aisle unless I'm buying them on sale after Halloween for brownie add-ins but I don't recall seeing them in recent years.  This recipe from the blogosphere caught my eye and the pictures looked so yummy, I had to try them for myself.  Click on the recipe title to go to the original recipe and blog.

I did modify this though; instead of caramel topping, I used dulce de leche and instead of making the chocolate topping, I melted some milk chocolate candy melts and enrobed bar-size pieces to make a more authentic-looking whatchamacallit bar.  After having tasted these, they were good but to make them a little closer to the original whatchamacallit bar, I would consider cutting back on the flour and adding more rice krispies to get the crunch.  Modified recipe below.

2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup dulce de leche
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 3/4 cups flour
3/4 cup caramel bits
3/4 cup chopped peanuts, toasted
2 cups rice krispies

Milk Chocolate Candy Melts (I used Wilton's Premium)
  1. Line a 9 x 13" baking pan with foil and spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  
  2. Cream the butter and sugar until creamy. Add the eggs, vanilla, dulce de leche and salt and beat on low until fluffy.
  3. Sift the baking powder and flour and slowly add to the butter mixture. Stir in the caramel bits, peanuts and rice krispies (in this order) by hand.   Batter will be thick.  Smooth top with small metal spatula.  Bake for 28 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
  4. Cut blondies into bar-size rectangles (your choice on how big or small you want them to be.  Melt candy melts over low heat, stirring smooth.  Spread over bars, using small metal spatula, encasing top and sides with the melted chocolate.  Set on wax paper and let cool until chocolate is set.

Best Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles - made March 23, 2012 from Dessert Now, Dinner Later

I'm always on the lookout for a good snickerdoodle recipe.  My normal ideal cookie is thick with crisp edges, chewy middles, and great flavor.  Most really delicious-tasting snickerdoodles spread thin.  The ones that stay thicker are more cakey yet sometimes lack flavor from too much flour and not enough butter.  But if I had to choose, I would pick flavor over cookie thickness any day.  Snickerdoodles are also tricky because it's very easy to overbake them and then they'll not only be flat but dry.  So I'm a bit of an oven nazi, ready to pounce on the cookies to take them out when they're just barely past the "not doughy-raw" stage and before they're fully baked.  Remember, cookies will continue to bake on the hot cookie sheet even after you take them out of the oven.  This recipe, from Dessert First, Dinner Later (great name) makes a a very tasty snickerdoodle.  It was really good and although it still spread, the edges were crisp, the middles were chewy and the flavor was perfect.  Please click on the recipe title above to take you to the original blog I got the recipe from.

I made these cookies for dinner with my cousin and her non-chocolate-eating son whose moniker is Vanilla King because vanilla is his favorite flavor.  The cookies were a hit, judging by the 3 he ate after dinner.  Good thing I packed enough in the goodie bag for his parents too :).

Cast Party Wednesday

Monday, March 26, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Tarts

Chocolate Chip Cookie Tarts - made March 23, 2012 recipes adapted from The Last Course by Claudia Fleming with Melissa Clark (book #206) and Perfect Light Desserts by Nick Malgieri and David Joachim (book #207)

I still had my mini tart pans out from the Banana Coconut Tart so I wanted to make more tarts - cuz, you know, it would be so much effort to put those pans away in the cupboard instead of letting them sit on the counter.  Added bonus that I thought to combine 2 recipes from 2 more books in my baking challenge.  Plus I wanted to use up the last of the jar of dulce de leche from Williams that I could buy more.  So all the stars aligned to make this creation - a chocolate chip cookie tart with a layer of dulce de leche between crust and filling.  YUM.

Make the chocolate tart dough and chill for 20 minutes

Spread a layer of dulce de leche on the bottom

Cover with chocolate chip cookie dough

In 3 of the stages

Tart dough recipe makes 4 individual-sized tarts but there's enough cookie dough for 6 tarts (bake the extra in ramekins)

Bake until cookie filling is golden brown

This was pretty good.  Be warned, the tart shell is pretty dark chocolate so a sweet filling makes a nice complement for it.  If you went with a dark chocolate filling, it might be a bit much.  But I liked the combination with the dulce de leche and the chocolate chip cookie.  I underbaked it slightly and that made for a nice chewy texture with the filling.  In fact, I might prefer this chocolate chip cookie recipe as more of a filling rather than a standalone cookie.

Chocolate Tart Dough
½ cup unsalted butter, softened
½ cup plus 1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar
1 large egg yolk
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup unsweetened Dutch-processed cocoa powder

1.      In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and confectioners’ sugar until combined, about 1 minute.  Add the egg yolk and vanilla and beat until smooth.  Sift in the flour and cocoa powder and beat on low speed until just combined.  Scrape the dough onto a sheet of plastic wrap and form it into a disk.  Wrap and chill until firm, about 1 hour, or up to 3 days.
2.      Preheat oven to 325°F. On a lightly floured surface, roll the tart dough to an 18 x 12-inch rectangle 3/16 inch thick.  Using a 2 ½-inch round cutter, cut out 24 rounds of dough and press them into mini muffin tins or 2-inch tart pans, trimming away any excess dough; prick the dough all over with a fork.  Chill the tart shells for 20 minutes.
3.      Spoon a thin layer of dulce de leche at the bottom of each tart shell.  Fill with chocolate chip cookie dough.  Bake for about 20 minutes or until cookie filling is golden brown.  Do not overbake.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Filling
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
½ cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 large egg
2 tablespoons whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ½ cups chocolate chips

1.      Preheat oven to 350°F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.
2.      Mix the flour, baking soda and salt together and set aside.
3.      Beat the butter and sugars together with the paddle attachment of a stand mixer on medium speed until well combined, about 1 minute.  Beat in the egg and milk until they are absorbed and then the vanilla.
4.      Scrape down the bowl and beater and beat in the flour mixture on low speed.
5.      Fold in the chocolate chips by hand.  Spread the filling in the tart shells over the dulce de leche layer.  Bake as directed above.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

French Toast

Baby French Toast - made March 18, 2012 from Just a Bite by Gale Gand (book #205)

I almost made the bread pudding recipe from this book but I decided to do something a little different.  I managed to find challah at my Trader Joe's (they restocked, yay) so I'm not even going to pretend I didn't buy a loaf.  I love French Toast but rarely make it.  Probably because I rarely have breakfast food for breakfast and when I have it for dinner, I usually feel like pancakes or waffles instead.

French toast is easy to make but really good French toast is a bit trickier.  Start with your favorite bread.  The egg and cream mixture you soak it in can hide a lot of sins but if I don't like raisin bread, for instance, making raisin bread French toast isn't going to make me like it any better.  I like to cut my bread slices thick but be warned, if you do, you need to soak it a bit longer in the mixture and fry it over lower heat for a longer time to make sure it cooks all the way through.  Otherwise your French toast will be soggy on the inside while the outside can look done or be burned.

Gale Gand's recipe calls for cutting the crusts off the bread slices.  I did that for picture taking purposes of the finished product but truthfully, I don't believe in cutting crusts off bread.  It seems wasteful unless you do something else with the crusts.  Bread cannot be made without a crust so it should be eaten with it too.  I ended up soaking the crusts too and frying them separately because I couldn't bear to let them go to waste.

This was a basic French toast recipe.  It was good but I can't say it stood out in any way from how I normally make French toast which is with egg, low fat or whole milk, a little sugar and a little vanilla.  I think what was supposed to make this a little more special was the blueberry compote recipe that came with it but I didn't make that.  Butter melting over warm French toast was good enough for me.

8 slices store-bought brioche, challah or soft white bread
1 egg plus 1 egg yolk
Pinch of salt
¼ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
½ cup half and half
½ cup milk
2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1.     Cut the crusts off the bread slices and cut each slice into quarters to make squares, about 1 ½ inches on each side.
2.     Whisk the egg and yolk in a medium bowl.  Whisk in the salt, sugar and vanilla.  Gradually whisk in the half-and-half and the milk.  Pour the mixture into a shallow baking dish.  Working in batches if necessary, place the bread pieces in the egg mixture and let them soak, then turn them and soak on the other side.
3.     Melt the butter in a skillet until it is foamy and very hot.  Working in batches, brown the soaked bread on both sides.  Serve warm.