Friday, September 20, 2024

Bakery Review: Edgar's Bakery

Bakery Review: Edgar's Bakery - ordered Orange Dreamsicle Cake, August 1, 2024 from Goldbelly
I rarely see orange cakes available for online ordering and nationwide shipping. Heck, I rarely (which could also mean “never”) see them in brick and mortar bakeries, both locally and when I travel. Red velvet, chocolate, vanilla, lemon, marble, coconut, sure. Orange? MIA. So I was glad to see this offering of Orange Dreamsicle Cake on Goldbelly from Edgar’s Bakery. 

I’d never heard of Edgar’s Bakery before but they seem to be locally (or more?) famous in Alabama. Always happy to support a small business, especially one with an orange cake that also had coconut.

As with just about everything I’ve ordered through Goldbelly, this came well packaged and, despite our still hot summer temps when it arrived, it was perfectly preserved and still frozen. The dry ice it was packed with was gone but the cake was frozen almost solid.
So I did have to let it defrost on my kitchen counter for several hours before I could even slice through it. And even then the middle was still a bit cold and hard so I had to wait another few hours.

The wait was worth it as this cake was delicious. Light and fluffy once fully thawed and perfect orange flavor, amped by the orange zest. I assume they also used orange juice and more zest for the cake rather than the more artificial tang from orange extract. The only thing I didn’t love was the buttercream frosting but that’s more me not liking frosting that much, especially the slightly greasy mouthfeel of buttercream, than anything to do with frosting itself, had I a more objective palate.
The cake was on sale when I bought it and some people might consider it a bit pricey but for what you get plus the cost of shipping and being able to support a small business, I don’t mind. That’s where I prioritize my budget. It was a lot of cake though so I ended up slicing it into multiple pieces, wrapping each piece and placing them in the freezer. I ate it a little at a time and it took about a month to finish but the calories were worth every bite.

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